Application of facial masks as a form of skincare has become very popular and trendy in recent years. However, some do question if these trendy facial masks are really beneficial? Well, it depends on which mask you use and what you are trying to achieve. In theory, facial masks are effective because of their ability to deliver nourishing and therapeutic properties of ingredients in a concentrated form by direct contact. Usual application time for a facial mask is 10 to 20 minutes, which gives the ingredients ample time to penetrate the skin surface and absorb into skin and work their magic.
The list of key ingredients used in facial masks is a long one and best way to pick one is to first of all knowing your skin and then picking a mask to achieve a specific skincare goal. It is also important to know and understand that the benefits of using facial masks are of a temporary nature and are hardly a quick fix for serious skin conditions. However, facial masks can still cleanse, tighten, soften, exfoliate, and brighten the skin if applied regularly.
Even though facial masks aren’t a long-term remedy, but a right facial mask can be a great help against acne or inflammation, dark spots and pigmentation, dry skin, fine lines, oily skin and more. As it is mentioned above, if you know your skin and have a specific goal then you can choose between mud, clay, charcoal, cream or gel, exfoliating, enzyme, peel-off, sheet, overnight and natural masks. All of these have their own sets of benefits, duration of application and cost but it is safe to say applying any of these masks at home would be cheaper and less time consuming than a visit to a spa.
So, the conclusion is that facial masks are a beneficial and authentic form of skincare if applied with the awareness of the nature of your skin and with a specific goal. Choosing a wrong mask can cause issues like dryness, irritation, redness, and breakouts.